The Art of the Upsell May 13, 2021, | Posted by Kia Zalewski

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Upselling is one of the strongest tools in any sales arsenal. It’s employed across all different industries and is one of the most effective ways to quickly and easily increase profits. It’s the reason why restaurants offer bottles of wine or nightly specials, and it’s a methodology that applies perfectly to digital marketing. Upselling is simply promoting and selling additional products to customers that will enhance the experience of a product they are already buying or considering. When a customer is purchasing a pair of shoes from an online store, an upsell tactic would be for the store to promote a pair of socks during the customer’s buying journey. 

The digital age has made upselling not only more accessible, but also infinitely more intuitive. Companies can use the power of customer data to upsell products that customers are more likely to purchase. It’s strongly accepted that companies should always offer an upsell. Though conversions may not happen immediately, it’s an easy way to introduce more products or services and keep a brand top of mind. 

The best upsells offer relevant value to the customer. By exploring past data on a customers’ previous purchases and search history, companies can better understand preferences and present applicable offers that are most likely to engage and convert. Companies must always remember to position the upsell as a benefit rather than a hard sell. Nobody likes pushy sales jargon so creative upsell offers are key. Emails that are informative and suggest the benefits of purchasing additional products or services will help nurture customer relationships. 

Upsells can either occur at the time of purchase with suggested products displayed and suggested before the customer completes the transaction or they can be done once a transition is completed. If a customer has purchased a sweater, companies can send an email promoting complementary scarves or accessories. This can be easily and done through automated drip campaigns. 

Whether an upsell happens immediately or simply leads to stronger engagement, it’s a tactic that will only serve to benefit brands in the long run.

Ready to upsell? Contact Site Impact to hear how we can help.