National Grammar Day: The Importance of Obsessive Testin March 03, 2023, | Posted by Kia Zalewski

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Happy National Grammar Day! Today is a day to celebrate how we communicate. So whether it’s through speaking, emails, in-person conversations, or social media posts, let’s look at how we can express ourselves effectively and with style. As marketers in this digital age, you understand more than anyone how important effective communication is – after all, conveying your ideas knows no boundaries. From blog writing to memes and website copywriting to infographics – a well-crafted message packs punch wherever it goes. That’s why mastering grammar has become essential for everyone working in the marketing industry today.

Before you hit "send" on your email campaign, it’s important to ensure it looks good everywhere. Proofreading and triple-checking your test seeds are key before sending email campaigns. However, the test seed renders on your desktop or mobile is exactly how it will appear in the live send. While you’ll probably do a few rounds of internal tests, testing across different email clients is also essential—so make sure to test your email in the most popular email clients like iOS Mail, Gmail, Android Mail, and Outlook. A great way to check if everything went according to plan after launching your emails is by using platforms such as, which allows you to compare how your emails score on popular spam filters, or to see how effective your subject line was. If all else fails, the Litmus Blog can give additional tips on writing great content - they post new articles regularly with useful advice on topics related to email design.

Site Impact knows the utmost importance of testing obsessively. Proofreading and testing your content is crucial to the success of any digital marketing campaign. A careless mistake can mean the difference between everything going smoothly or ending up in spam folders.