Opt-in is Critical for Email Marketing October 09, 2018, | Posted by Samantha

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We’ve spoken on more than one occasion about the importance of proactive, opt-in consent when it comes to email marketing; but as regulations increase, and consumer privacy concerns intensify, opt-in procedures are becoming more and more important to email success. Site Impact has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to regulatory compliance, but there are some marketers and brands alike that try to skirt the law, in the hopes of getting away with as much leniency regarding regulations as possible. Today we’re going to talk about how such a casual attitude can negatively impact brands in the short term and long term alike--and why it just isn’t worth it.

Protect your reputation

Apart from regulatory issues, a major reason to have a proactive, clear, and consistent opt-in procedure for email marketing is your brand’s digital reputation. When it comes to digital marketing, and especially email marketing, reputation is everything; it’s the basis for how platforms choose to display--or in the worst case scenario, choose to not display--your marketing messages to consumers, and damage to your reputation can have a long-lasting impact. Especially if your brand engages in marketing efforts across different channels owned by the same platform--for example, Google--damage to your reputation can mean not only diminishing returns on email marketing campaigns, but also increased spend and decreased revenue on SEO/SEM and other advertising efforts.

Increase your customer engagement

While it can seem like blasting out your message to as many people as possible is the best way to get more conversions, consumer concerns regarding spam and junk emails are a mighty opponent to grapple with. If you focus your efforts on those consumers who are interested enough to opt-in to your message (as opposed to just anyone who hasn’t opted out), you’ll find a much larger degree of engagement, and with that engagement comes increased spend and repeat spend. Double opt-in procedures have become the norm across the industry for a reason: confirming that people really do want to receive your emails means that they are certain of their interest, and it means that their interest is likely to continue beyond just a single promotion. Of course, there is still a responsibility to make sure that your emails are up to what people expect and provide consistent value--but giving people a way to affirm their interest helps to narrow down the list to those who are going to really be engaged.

As consumers become more protective of their time and their inbox space, giving potential customers the ability to confirm their interest in receiving your emails, and giving them clear options for frequency and other factors in your relationship with them is the clear way forward for brands of all sizes. Gone are the days when brands could safely assume that an opt-out choice was enough to keep customers satisfied; proactive consent from the consumer to the brand is the new standard, and brands that try and skirt that risk not just regulatory issues but diminishing returns on all of their cross-channel marketing efforts. Contact Site Impact and we’ll help you create the best campaigns for the consumers who have expressed an interest in hearing from you.