Even Public Libraries Are Getting Into Email July 10, 2019, | Posted by erin

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Email marketing is an increasingly vital method for keeping in contact with customers and patrons for businesses of all sizes, and the private sector isn’t the only side of things that has been made aware of this. Public libraries across the US have a new tool available to them for getting the word out about library events, special lending options, new services and more: email. Site Impact has long been an advocate for email marketing for even non-profit or not-for-profit industries, and we’re glad to see that public libraries are getting onboard with the utility of email for reaching out to people and getting them to come in and check things out.


BiblioCommons and email

BiblioCommons is a privately-held company based in Toronto, Ontario in Canada, that develops software for libraries. Over 200 libraries in four countries use various software solutions that BiblioCommons provides, including digital card catalogs and other systems to help library professionals keep operations up to date and satisfy customer demand. With that in mind, it was only a matter of time before the tech company began to offer an automated system and process for public libraries to be able to reach out to their patrons and keep them updated on a number of library-relevant information. Public libraries are, of course, a major cornerstone of many communities--and Millennials have bolstered the importance of public libraries, especially as the services offered by them have expanded far beyond physical copies of books and basic computer functions for research.


How much use can libraries really make of email?

Of course, Site Impact has always held that any business--and while libraries are not geared towards profit, they are certainly a business in many respects--can benefit from email marketing. In the case of public libraries, they were and are already using emails for reminders to patrons regarding soon-to-be due and overdue rentals, along with notification of library events, and newsletter material to keep everyone in the community in the loop. The demand for an email service that coordinates everything in one place, and allows libraries to take care of their email needs in an automatic manner, already exists. By offering the service, BiblioCommons will be making it easier for public libraries to stay engaged with the public that relies on them, by taking a lot of extra time and legwork out of the equation.


Ultimately, what public libraries have discovered is something important for businesses of all sizes and types to know: email marketing is an important and useful tool for staying in contact with customers of any nature, to keep them informed about what you have going on and to maintain relationships. It’s great that public libraries will now have a useful platform that works with their existing systems to maintain that level of contact that they need. For everyone else, it’s worthwhile to talk with an email marketing agency and form partnerships to achieve and maintain a high level of customer connection. Contact Site Impact to hear how we keep you in touch with your customers at the highest level.