Expand Your Brand Footprint with Partnerships November 23, 2021, | Posted by Kia Zalewski

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Customer acquisitions can be a challenge, especially for new companies and start-ups. Even the savviest marketers can sometimes meet challenges when it comes to costs, and that’s why email marketing and  brand partnerships are such great avenues to grow businesses at nominal costs.  One of the most affordable and highly impactful ways to reach new consumers is through partnership marketing. By empowering companies to mutually benefit from the other’s resources,  a properly aligned and executed partnership can be one of the strongest tools in a company’s marketing arsenal. 

It’s key for companies to choose the right partners and to ensure their brand aligns and compliments their own. The companies should complement each other without cannibalizing the other’s profits. The right partnership and initiative can create valuable media interest and press exposure, tap into another company’s loyal customer base without the usual acquisition cost, and can help strengthen the credibility of a brand.

Every partnership should offer real value to its target market and should never be done just for the sake of partnering. The offerings and content should be engaging and authentic in order to resonate with both media and customers. The outcome of the partnership should be more enticing than the individual existing offerings of the companies. Partnership activations can vary from event based initiatives to new offerings, and every partnership approach will vary based on industry, capabilities, and target markets. 

Contact Site Impact to hear how we can help create creative ways to reach your target market and expand your brand footprint.