Building a Qualified Contact List June 21, 2022, | Posted by Kia Zalewski

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Creating an email list is one of the first and most important steps that marketers have to master and achieve. It can be challenging to convince consumers to join your list and grant you access to their inbox, and it is always an ongoing challenge to retain their attention once they have joined. Here are some easy practices to help you garner more subscribers and keep them engaged.

To get off on the right track, it’s best to incentivize people to sign up to your database with an opt-in instead of an opt-out option and it’s always best to segment your lists to make them as personalized as possible. This will help you create content that is specifically geared towards your readers and decrease the likelihood of future opt-outs and having users flag you as spam.

Users that are engaged when they sign up are often the best clients. By capturing addresses with engagement tools, such as content that interests your audience, you are ensuring that your audiences are ones that are truly strong prospects. One of the best examples of engaging content is a company-owned blog that provides educational and relevant content. By  growing your list from this medium, you know that these readers are already engaged in your topics, products, and services.

Once you have new users, it’s important that you don’t flood them with repetitive and invaluable content. Always ensure that your content provides value, is fresh, and is personalized to a specific audience. Giveaways and referral programs often work well and can provide you with qualified leads.

Ready to garner qualified subscribers who won’t send you to the spam folder? Contact Site Impact to hear how we can help.